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Pink April Full Moon

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

Last night was the April Pink Full Moon, called the "Pink" Full Moon. It is called a Pink Full Moon because of the many spring blossoms opening up during the time of this Full Moon. As in the theme of April's showers brings May flowers, it’s time to for you to connect to this powerful activation for April, opening you up for the transformations to come in May. 

Not only are the flowers emerging, but so is love! Love is the emerging energy, which wants to express through you and your life. Anything that has felt hidden, unseen, unknown, fuzzy, held back and stuck is now making a massive long-lasting shift. It is a shift for showing up, being seen, and being known. 

 Now is the time to shine your light within and to stop comparing yourself and your life with everyone around you!  Now is the time to stop playing it safe. Do not shy away from opportunities to connect, grow, and try something new. Put yourself out there and you'll learn more about yourself!Now is the time for letting your protective layers dissolve into the light. Let the promise of something fresh and new blossom in your life.  Spring has sprung and if you let it, so is your soul ready to soar!