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It's another New Year!

The New Year always brings hope, aspirations, and a sense of renewal until February hits. Then, you realize that you’re living the same shit as you did last year, despite your greatest hopes. And then, it’s Chinese New Year, and lucky for us, we can begin again, for real, this time.

Today is that day! And I realize I can’t slide through the muck I’m stuck in. I can’t ignore how I am wasting my life in a job that sucks with people that suck! That’s just sliding through won’t cut it any longer, and I’ll need to extricate myself from where I am.

That, my friends, is easier said than done, mainly because I am a unicorn and don’t fit anywhere anymore. However, I have been here before and always find my way out of this place of not knowing.

I don’t know where I go next, but here are the things I can no longer accept in my life or my work:

  • Severely messed up people who think it is their right because they are messed up to treat me like shit.

  • I will no longer be disrespected by people who disrespect themselves, so they must disrespect me.

  • I will no longer do work that bores me, serves no purpose, and benefits awful people.

  • I will no longer be a ghost! People will see me and listen to me.

Today, with the energies of the New Moon and the Wood Dragon behind me, I will set my intentions to get out and move on! If you feel like me, I hope you decide to do the same thing. Get out and move on!