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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces🌝

Tomorrow, in the early morning hours, we have our first eclipse of 2024, a Full Moon Eclipse in the sign of Libra. Full Moon Eclipses amplify the energy of a Full Moon so that you can think of them as Full Moon energy times ten! For that reason, they are said to be incredibly powerful and believed to open portals to higher states of consciousness. The portal that opens under this Libra Lunar Eclipse is one of endings. It seems that we are being guided to bring something to a close. Perhaps it’s a thought pattern, a belief, or perhaps something more tangible, like the ending of a job, relationship, or chapter of our lives. Eclipses affect us all on different levels and at varying degrees, but they always leave their imprint and always put us where we need to be. And, because this eclipse is in the sign of Libra, in all likelihood, you will be given opportunities to learn about how you show up in all your relationships. At its core, Libra energy reminds us that everyone we meet is a teacher and is really just a reflection of a deeper part of ourselves. We are all One; we are all fragments of each other. What we see and struggle within others is a powerful lesson for us, too. Overall, this eclipse will make you aware of any relationship imbalances. This eclipse will help you to move into a dynamic new phase of your life. But first, you must let go of what no longer benefits your highest good, even if it makes you sad or frightened.  Furthermore, this eclipse will change the way you feel about your relationships by allowing you to recognize what you value and how balanced your flow of giving and receiving is. While you may not have all the answers under this Eclipse, it will be your task to listen, learn, and keep growing from whatever comes up for you under this magical moon. Today, set your intentions to let go of any resistance that you’ve been holding onto, which keeps you attached to people, places, things, and beliefs that no longer serve you. Today, surrender and be willing to see where imbalances remain in your life and then let the eclipse energy give you the courage and the power to finally let go so you can move forward into the next chapter of your life.

Just for today, I am willing to change.  I am willing to let go of everything and everyone that no longer serves any purpose in my life. I am willing to learn my lessons, and I trust that everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.