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Amsterdam Sweets and Moon Drops

It’s a New Moon in Taurus and it’s time to start a new lunar cycle. And what better way to start this lunar cycle here on earth than with two new cannabis strains! The first strain that I choose was Amsterdam Sweets, a Sativa strain. Although I could find no information on any strain by that name, this strain is definitely related to Durban Poison, a sativa landrace from South Africa with perhaps some Dutch Treat mixed in, thus the name Amsterdam sweets.

All that being said, this strain wasn’t incredibly beautiful to look. However, it’s flavor stopped me in my tracks. It is a truly delicious strain, which has a very sweet and complex flavor profile, including flavors ranging from sweet lemon candy to spicy anise. It is rare that I just love the flavor of a strain but this strain is like eating a really complex meal that keeps you interested to the very end.

The effects of this strain are just as stunning, leaving you calmly energized, clear headed, focused and creative. Additional this strain made me very sociable and energetic.  It does what a good sativa strain “should” do-uplift your mind and your body without making you feel anxious, shaky or strung out. This new moon I really needed a boost and that is exactly what Amsterdam Sweets, whatever its true lineage may be, did-uplift, energize and get me ready for a new moon cycle.

They say what goes up must come down and so my next strain was intended to bring me down and help me fall fast asleep. And, what better strain to do just that than Moon Drops on a New Moon! Moon Drops is an indica dominant hybrid strain, created by crossing Purple Urkle , a powerful indica strain with Do-Si-Dos , also a powerful indica strain. The result is no surprise a powerful indica strain which will definitely take you down a bunch of notches!

In addition to its narcotic effects, this strain tastes a lot like it’s parents-grape like Purple Urkle and sweet from it Do-Si-Dos parent. It aroma is like fermented grapes, sort of like red wine with a little bit of weird incense mixed in. This strain will make you spacy and then will take you-body and mind right to the moon. What a great way to usher in my next lunar cycle. Whatever your new moon intentions, be certain to have faith that everything is working out for your highest good and in my case for my high-est at all times.