Marchin' Orders


Once in a Blue Moon, you get to meet your cannabis farmer for coffee!  Today, both of those scenarios came true.

Tonight is a Full Moon in Virgo.  This full moon will be the first of two full moons in one month, in this case the month of March, also known as a Blue Moon month.  And, this morning I had coffee with a cannabis farmer, who grows his cannabis indoors and after many years, has mastered, in my opinion, his growing process.  He, like many other local small cannabis growers, is currently unable to sell his cannabis to licensed retails shops because he does not have a cultivation license.

A cultivation license is complicated to get for many reasons, including cost, geographic location, zoning laws and a list of other ordinances which now govern the cannabis industry.  He, again like the majority of small growers, is weighing their options for the future. 

One thing is for sure is that his cannabis cultivation operation will have to change drastically and perhaps, geographically.  Legal cannabis has put many cultivators, manufacturers and distributors out of business. Many small growers had to shutdown after January 1st.  They will have to remain closed until they find some way to obtain a cultivation license. A process which could include joining forces with another bigger farmer that already has a license;  purchasing one from a big business guy, who bought up all the licenses for lots of money before January 2018 and is now selling them for big bucks; or he could find his own legal space determined through ordinance, hire many attorneys, pay large licensing fees and make his way through the SD cannabis licensing lottery system.  None of the options will be cheap or easy!


It's all so complicated and some of it is beyond my comprehension.  So, I'll focus on what I do understand!  What I do understand is that life is a teacher and I am a student.  And, last month taught me a lot. Taught me a lot about trust, courage and self love by testing my faith.

Tonight by the light of the full moon, I will focus on all the good things in my life!  I will be grateful for each and every one.  I will gladly give away all the thoughts, beliefs, jobs, people and places that no longer serve me to make way for new ones.  This process will bring so much joy into my life.  And so it is.  Let go and be grateful!