Instant Gratification isn't fast enough!

This week we begin to shift seasons from Summer to Fall with the Fall Equinox on Saturday. And with the change of seasons we will be asked to release and let go in preparation for the winter. We are being asked to let go of behaviors that no longer serve us. For you see, as humans we have a tendency to listen to the part of ourselves that just wants a quick fix. The part that whispers in our ear: just take the easy road. In truth, we get drawn into a cycle of instant gratification. And it is through our belief that we will find comfort in not so healthy behaviors, through instant gratification, that we become disconnected and lost. Whether it’s a relationship based purely on pleasure that’s disconnected from our hearts, a job that pays the bills but does not fulfill us, glasses of wine, endless bowls of weed or endless scrolling on social media- we have become patterned to use those useless activities to soothe our brain and bring us some sort of fleeting happiness. However, no matter how soothing those activities may be, they do not fuel our spirit and instead ending up fueling us to continue those behaviors so that we can receive the instant gratification they offer us. Those behaviors, in truth, can easily deceive us into thinking that they are something we “need”. In fact, we start to crave that way of operating instead of healthier more sustainable choices. Today, the Universe wants us to begin to see through the illusion of our need for instant gratification. And, even though it may be hard to make healthy choices because they usually require more planning and effort, we are being called to remember that these things are not making us happy. It may be delaying unhappiness for the time being, but it is not making us stronger or more joyful in the long run. Today, know that although there is nothing wrong with pleasure, it is time for us to truly begin to fill our cups with long lasting, true happiness. It it time we stop and cultivate a life that enriches us and makes us feel more alive. Today, take a step back and look at your patterns to see where you know you’ve been taking the easy way out, so you will be able to adjust and recalibrate, rather than operating on autopilot. Today know that this recalibration will be worth the effort and will usher you into a new more sustainable path, which will provide you with long lasting happiness rather than fleeting moments of instant gratification. Today accept that instant gratification does not provide the solution, it only temporarily frees you from the pain of feeling like you’re not good enough as is. Today, accept that relief does not have to remain for only an instant. You can find genuine relief in the beauty of delaying our gratification by choosing to change your unhealthy behavior patterns and to have patience by taking the “harder” way out towards sustainable and long lasting peace and happiness.

Just for today, I am willing to see how and where I need to change. I release all destructive fears and doubts. I trust the power that created me to protect me, guide me and love me at all times and under all circumstances. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come And so it is.