Expect less, accept more this New Year!

Yesterday as we started a New Year, Mercury, the planet of communication, stationed direct. For the next three week, during the post-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde, it is important to move slowly and deliberately, so you can integrate everything that's surfaced for you during December. Furthermore,  the post-retrograde period combined with our New Years resolutions and expectations,  may also bring disappointments and unwelcome surprises.  So, during the next couple of weeks,  it's crucial to set expectations and boundaries to avoid feeling let down and disappointed. Today, start off this New Year by “expecting” less and accepting more. Today, choose to be positive and hopeful in this present moment. You don't have to give up hope and you can still anticipate a good outcome, just be ready to be okay with "what is" and accept it. As the old saying goes: "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched." Your expectations can limit your happiness and in truth your life, if you allow them. Today expect less and accept the bounty of goodness that Life gives you instead.

Just for today, I now release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me. I let go of all expectations and flow lovingly with Life. I love myself and I know only good awaits me at every turn. Everything I do is a success and all is truly well in my world right now. And so it is.