Eclipse energy

We are in the midst of Eclipse season, which can be intense! It can bring up surprising and unexpected events-some of which can be startling and shake you to your core. Eclipses bring to the surface the darkness that we, as individuals and we as a collective have been ignoring or have keeping buried deep within us. Eclipses bring to light all the darkness we want to ignore so that we can let go or heal those dark places. Therefore, there is a good chance that you are most likely confronting aspects of your life you've attempted to sweep under the rug or "thought" you were done with. But, the Universe won't allow you nor I, nor our world to continue to ignore those aspects and they are all coming to light now. That is why we are now seeing unimaginable inhumane acts being played out all over the world. All the injustices and hatred is coming to the surface. Today, instead of wanting to distract yourself, numb yourself out or just hide in the darkness, create some time to go within to see what the eclipse energy has brought up for you. Then set your intentions to finally let go of the darkness, fear, frustration and anger towards yourself and others from your past and your present. Only by feeling the pain, guilt, and remorse of your past will you be able to move forward into a new way of being. Today, take time to go within to see, feel and then to actively let go of everything that serves no purpose in your life. Today, choose to forgive and let go. Choose to see every situation differently through new eyes-the eyes of a beginner. Choose to find the light within these darkness of Eclipse season.

Just for today, I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting the Universe. I choose to forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I choose to forgive myself for every mistake and misstep that I have every made. I know that regardless of my setbacks, I always have a comeback in me. I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. I am safe, divinely guided and loved. And out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Not everyone is going to like you. And, that's okay!

One of the most uncomfortable things in life is to realize that someone does not like us. And, you perhaps struggle with that notion and valiantly try to get those people to like you. But, that is a waste of time and only ends up with you feeling less than and wondering what’s wrong with you. Today, the Universe wants us to become okay with not being liked. Today, accept that you are not for everyone, and that’s okay. Accept that the world is full of people who, no matter what you do, will point blank not like you. But it is also filled with people who will love you fiercely. Today, accept that you are not for everyone, and that’s okay. So, today choose to talk to the people who can hear you. Don’t waste your precious time and gifts trying to convince those people who don’t like you of your value, they won’t ever want what you’re selling. Don’t convince them to walk alongside you. You’ll be wasting both your time and theirs and will inflict unnecessary wounds, which will take precious time to heal. You are not for them and they are not for you; politely wave them on, and continue along your way. Sharing your path with someone is a sacred gift; don’t cheapen your gift by facing yours in the wrong direction. And, as you “drive people away,” you only get closer to your ideal people. Those who love you, who want to be close to you, who truly value you, are one step closer. Being disliked by some is simply a byproduct of being authentic to who you truly are. The more you embody your true personality, the more incompatible people will pull away from you. That’s okay, because at the same time, the more you adopt your true self, the more like-minded people you’ll draw toward you.Today, acknowledge and accept that you are not for everyone, and that’s not just okay, that’s amazing.

Just for today, I am my own best friend. Other friends will come and go. But, I am always here with and for myself. I honor myself for who and what I am. It does not matter what other people say, do or think. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to love myself unconditionally and accept that everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Instant Gratification isn't fast enough!

This week we begin to shift seasons from Summer to Fall with the Fall Equinox on Saturday. And with the change of seasons we will be asked to release and let go in preparation for the winter. We are being asked to let go of behaviors that no longer serve us. For you see, as humans we have a tendency to listen to the part of ourselves that just wants a quick fix. The part that whispers in our ear: just take the easy road. In truth, we get drawn into a cycle of instant gratification. And it is through our belief that we will find comfort in not so healthy behaviors, through instant gratification, that we become disconnected and lost. Whether it’s a relationship based purely on pleasure that’s disconnected from our hearts, a job that pays the bills but does not fulfill us, glasses of wine, endless bowls of weed or endless scrolling on social media- we have become patterned to use those useless activities to soothe our brain and bring us some sort of fleeting happiness. However, no matter how soothing those activities may be, they do not fuel our spirit and instead ending up fueling us to continue those behaviors so that we can receive the instant gratification they offer us. Those behaviors, in truth, can easily deceive us into thinking that they are something we “need”. In fact, we start to crave that way of operating instead of healthier more sustainable choices. Today, the Universe wants us to begin to see through the illusion of our need for instant gratification. And, even though it may be hard to make healthy choices because they usually require more planning and effort, we are being called to remember that these things are not making us happy. It may be delaying unhappiness for the time being, but it is not making us stronger or more joyful in the long run. Today, know that although there is nothing wrong with pleasure, it is time for us to truly begin to fill our cups with long lasting, true happiness. It it time we stop and cultivate a life that enriches us and makes us feel more alive. Today, take a step back and look at your patterns to see where you know you’ve been taking the easy way out, so you will be able to adjust and recalibrate, rather than operating on autopilot. Today know that this recalibration will be worth the effort and will usher you into a new more sustainable path, which will provide you with long lasting happiness rather than fleeting moments of instant gratification. Today accept that instant gratification does not provide the solution, it only temporarily frees you from the pain of feeling like you’re not good enough as is. Today, accept that relief does not have to remain for only an instant. You can find genuine relief in the beauty of delaying our gratification by choosing to change your unhealthy behavior patterns and to have patience by taking the “harder” way out towards sustainable and long lasting peace and happiness.

Just for today, I am willing to see how and where I need to change. I release all destructive fears and doubts. I trust the power that created me to protect me, guide me and love me at all times and under all circumstances. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come And so it is.

Mercury stations direct!

Wohoo, Mercury finally stations direct after being retrograde since August. And although we still have several planets in retrograde, they are outer planets - which means the world may still feel upside-down, but not to the extent that we’ve been feeling for the past three weeks. Today YOU can finally begin to get your mojo back and to begin to move forward! Moving forward, you can feel more momentum with your plans. And, more importantly, moving forward you can feel like yourself again. All the soul-searching that you may have done during the past few weeks has helped you to get in touch with your deepest intentions. And, when Mercury stations direct, we are often gifted with the information we need to begin moving forward. So, today set your intentions to slowly move forward armed with new knowledge, a new sense of self worth and freer because of who and what you have let go of. Today, do not look back because the past is gone and some of the people of your past are gone too. Today, be present and trust that you will come out of all of your struggles wiser, stronger and more aligned with your true self.

Just for today, I focus my attention on loving myself and trusting the Universe. Regardless of my setbacks, I always have a comeback in me. I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. I am safe, divinely guided and loved. And out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Your sense of self-worth determines all your other relationship standards

Your sense of self-worth determines all your other relationship standards. Therefore, if you don’t like and love yourself, if you don’t value yourself, you’ll have low standards for how you let other people treat you. Because in truth, we simply don’t protect and take care of what we don’t hold in high regard. Furthermore, the way you treat yourself and how you let others treat you shows you how much or little you really value yourself. When you neglect yourself, you deprive yourself of what you need: attention, consideration, care, support, reassurance, connection, encouragement, and love. You then most likely tend to look toward others to provide it for you. You mistakenly believe that the pain you experience is something only someone else, outside yourself, can soothe or heal.The problem is that others cannot do it for you. They cannot fill the void you may have created by depriving yourself of self-care. Other people can support you and boost you from time to time, but they simply cannot do it for you because their efforts meet a void and simply disappear into insignificance. Moreover, when we don’t like ourselves, we don’t understand why others like us. When we don’t like how we look and someone compliments us, we don’t believe them. We think they’re lying to us or they are just being nice. And, when we don’t love ourselves, we cannot receive anyone else’s love because we don’t trust it. We don’t believe it. It doesn’t match with what we believe about ourselves, and so our brains reject it. It doesn’t feel safe and all of a sudden, our relationship becomes fear-based and never fulfill our needs. So, today acknowledge that you are a co-creator of all your relationships. Relationships don’t just randomly happen to us. We co-create them. We are always in a relationship—even if it’s the one we have with ourselves.And it’s the one we have with ourselves that informs all others. The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for all the other relationships you have in your life. The good thing is that you are in charge of that now. You have the power and you get to choose how you treat yourself. Today choose to focus on the relationship that you have with yourself. Choose to value yourself and choose to treat yourself as if you are someone you deeply love and respect. Choose to love appreciate yourself and watch your other relationships change for the better.

Just for today, I acknowledge that I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more and to share that love with others. I recognize that love is the great miracle cure and loving myself will create miracles in my life. I love and approve of myself unconditionally and everything is working out for my highest good.

Little choices make a big impact

Let’s face it: life isn’t always fun. Even the most fortunate among us have struggles, obligations, and demons to face. But we’re all presented with countless opportunities for connection and joy—if we choose to create space in our lives, get out of our heads, and let ourselves live in the now. Today, the Universe wants you to acknowledge that if you want to change your life, you do not need a master plan to get there.  In fact, the change you want to see starts with a simple choice—one tiny decision to do something differently. To try something new or say something instead of merely thinking of it or to challenge a thought that might be holding you back. Those little choices might not change everything, but they can change how you experience everything. So, today choose to make one small change and choose to have a little faith in your ability to handle whatever’s coming down the road. Choose to believe that you have the strength and resourcefulness required to tackle whatever challenges come your way. And know that you always have the capacity to  choose to make the best of anything. Even if you didn’t want it or ask for it, even if seems scary or hard or unfair, you can make something good of any loss or hardship. You can learn from it, grow from it, help others through it, and maybe even thrive because of it. The future is unknown, but you can know this for sure that you can choose to have faith that you got this! Today, make one small choice and what your life change in big ways.

Just for today, I recognize that I always have a choice. I willingly release any need for struggle or suffering. I am willing to accept my life as it is. I deserve all that is good in life. I recognize that peace begins within me. The more peaceful I am inside the more peace I have to share with others. The inner creates the outer always. I now go beyond barriers to possibilities and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

New Moon in Leo

We have a New Moon in Leo. New Moons are a powerful time to set intentions for the weeks ahead. We can use the New Moon energies to get clear about what we wish to focus on in our lives. Tonight’s Leo New Moon offers a beautiful wave of energy to support us in gaining some clarity and courage. It may inspire us to get in touch with our passions, to return to projects or hobbies we had forgotten about, and to prioritize joy and lightness. One of the highest frequencies of the Leo energy is the quality of simplicity. When we simplify, life can become easier, less emotionally heavy, and we can find it easier to make room for joy. And adding to the Leo New Moon energy is Venus which is retrograde helping us all to delve into the shadows of our hearts so that we can reclaim those parts of ourselves that have not felt worthy of love or money. Today, set your intentions to begin to learn how to co-create your life with a stronger sense of worthiness and that you can be loved simply by being yourself-you do not have to earn it! Today, accept that your next chapter hasn’t been written yet. Today, allow the New Moon energy to help you to write your future with passion, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to your joy.

Just for today, my self esteem is high because I honor who I am. I love and accept myself exactly as I am. I draw love and acceptance into my life and I allow myself to accept them now. I have the self esteem, confidence and courage to move forward with ease. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is

Begin anew

One of the greatest misconceptions in life is that we are somehow powerless to let go of what’s behind us. That we have to carry regret, shame, or disappointment, and that we have to allow our past, on some level, to dictate how today will unfold. Today, it is time to awaken to the fact that the past is the past and doesn’t have to shape what your present looks like. In truth, at any moment, you can let go of who you’ve been and decide to be someone new—to do something differently. It won’t always be easy, but it is always a choice you can make. Today, acknowledge that you always have a choice-you can either dwell and stay stuck, or let go and feel free. Today, as we begin a new week give yourself space to fill yourself up with good feelings about the beautiful day in front of you—and the beautiful tomorrow you’re now creating. Today, accept that no matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. Choose to begin anew today.

Just for today, I recognize that this is a new day, one I have never seen before. I begin anew and claim and create all that it is good in this Life. I forgive myself and set myself free. I am willing to see my life in a whole new way. I am safe and divinely guided and protected as I begin anew. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Re-birth-Venus Star Point

Today, retrograde Venus and the Sun will align, creating what is known as the Venus Star Point. The merging of the Sun and Venus indicates a rebirth of Venus’s energy and her gradual emergence from an evening star to a morning star. Venus energy teaches us that the key to creating the life we desire lies in self-love first. Under this energy, your heart may experience its own rebirth too. You may feel your heart healing the wounds you never thought would leave you. You may feel yourself opening up to a greater love, or perhaps releasing blocks that have been preventing you from feeling the love that you are. Right now, under the Venus Retrograde energies, you are on an inward journey reclaiming aspects of yourself that have been forgotten, denied or undervalued. Today, allow the Venus energy to help you to embrace your unique qualities, and watch as you naturally begin to draw in people who appreciate you for who you are. Today, begin to value who you are and no matter what you’ve been through or are currently experiencing, trust that you will soon emerge bolder and brighter than ever. Today, acknowledge that you have always been a dazzling star. You're now in the process of reclaiming your brilliance. Today allow the Venus energy to help you to gain new clarity, reach a new point of forgiveness, or to help you to open up to a deeper sense of self love and acceptance.

Just for today, I recognize that I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more and to share that love with others. As I move through the layers of other people's opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a magnificent being-wise and beauty. I love what I see in me. I am loved and accepted exactly as I am right here and right now. I am divinely protected, guided and loved. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Be re-born

This week we have the powerful energy of the Lionsgate portal, tomorrow on August 8. This portal of high frequencies is said to open our spirit and the spirit of Mother Earth allowing for a rebirth of sorts. And, re-birth can sound so majestic, so beautiful. It can signify a time of starting fresh, of beginning anew, of creating a blank page for the future. However, re-birth does not always occur as the delicate unfolding of blossoming petals. Sometimes, it entails the unnerving shriek of the phoenix consumed by the flames. Sometimes, it’s the pressure from the heat that turns coal into diamonds. Often, we must taste the darkness of death before we can rise from the ashes with a strength and courage we did not even know we had, until it was tested. And, that’s what you may have been experiencing in the past couple of months-the allowing of the parts of who you were that just don’t work any longer to just fall away and die, so you can be reborn. Today, set your intentions to stop fighting and struggling and focus your intentions instead on letting go. For you see when you cling to things, you struggle. When you grasp at what you desire, you suffocate it. When you identify with a laundry list of accomplishments, you will always fall short in the end. You are a human being, not a human doing and when focus on the externals and get caught up in the scramble to achieve, you can forget what is really important, what truly defines you. Today, acknowledge that in every moment, you have the chance to re-invent yourself -to be reborn by letting go. Today, choose to let go so you can be reborn again. Just for today, I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be. I lovingly forgive and release of the past. I am now free to create the life I desire. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Just Breathe

Often when we’re feeling frustrated, or panicked, or stressed, or scared, we tend to breathe rapid, shallow breaths, or find ourselves holding our breath which allows minimal air to our lungs and to our brains. This can actually lead to a number of physical problems. So on top of the difficult emotions we may experience, we then create short-term and long-term physical problems by reducing the amount of oxygen that gets to our brains, making it hard to function at a high level. Today, the Universe wants us to consciously just breathe-slow, belly breaths. Not only will it help you release tension and reduce anxiety; it also provides a solid internal focus to help ground you when you may feel overwhelmed by outside circumstances. And, concentrating on your breath can remind you that no matter how catastrophic things may seem, you are alive. You are in truth okay. You will get through it. So, today if you’re feeling overwhelmed, just breathe. Forget for a minute about everything that needs to be done, and take it all one slow step and deep breath at time.If you’re feeling worried, just breathe. Forget for a minute about everything that might go wrong and create what can go right, one slow step and deep breath at a time. If you’re feeling scared, just breathe. Forget for a minute about everything that might hurt you and take care of yourself, one slow step and deep breath at a time. Often times the world inside our heads is far more chaotic than the world outside it. Today, remember that you have immense power to calm it by remembering to just breathe. Just for today, I let go of all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. I recognize that stress is only fear. I now release all destructive fears and doubts. I accept myself exactly as I am and create peace in my mind and my heart. I am loved. I am safe and in truth, everything always is working out for my highest good. And so it is

Don't believe everything you think!

You are not your thoughts. In fact, as humans our thoughts do not represent reality. We are the ones who choose to believe that they are real, when, in fact, they have nothing to do with reality. We are the consciousness from which our thoughts arise. And,  our capacity to think is incredibly susceptible to error.  Assumptions, misinformation, ego and limited beliefs are just a few patterns of unhealthy thought that interfere with our judgement and sometimes are just plain not true. In truth, our thoughts do not represent reality. We are the ones who choose to believe that they are real, when, in fact, they have nothing to do with reality. And, no matter what situation life presents us, we can always choose to view ourselves the way we want-we can always choose the way we “think” about the situation. Today, it is time to accept that just because you think something doesn’t always make it true. Today, set your intentions to let go of your attachment to your thoughts-whether they be negative or positive. Once you realize that your thoughts are faulty, there will be nothing else standing in your way. And when you realize that there is nothing standing in your way, you will see it was your thoughts that were holding you back from being who you wanted to be this whole time. Today, consciously don’t get attached to your thoughts. Today, don’t let your mind push you around—just let it go. Today don’t believe everything you think! Just for today, I recognize that I am not a victim of my thoughts but rather a master of my mind.  I recognize that it is my thoughts that create my experiences and I am unlimited in my ability to create the good in my life.  I am safe.  I am divinely guided and protected. And everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


There are things that we are proud of and things we’re ashamed of, and inside we wish people would see more of the former and less of the latter. For you see, we all want validation. It’s an intrinsic human need to feel connected to other people; and often times, when we feel alone, it’s because we believe we haven’t proven how good we are or can be. However, today, the Universe wants us to set our intentions to be authentic in every situation and in every moment of this day. Today, know that you don’t have to show the world you’re good. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. You don’t have to try to hide the things you’ve done that might not seem flattering. You just need to forgive and accept yourself and trust that other people will, as well. Being authentic means being vulnerable—letting people see all your different facets, trusting they won’t judge you, and knowing that if they do, that’s completely on them. Today, recognize you’re awesome just because you keep moving forward, even if it’s just one small step. Today, give yourself permission to not be perfect, and instead focus on progress.  Today, acknowledge your weaknesses, work to improve them, but say loud and proud that they will not define you. If you start worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, remember you deserve to enjoy the present, but only you can make it happen. Today, let go of who you think you should be and just be you.  Just for today, as I move through the layers of other people's opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a magnificent being, wise and beautiful. I love what I see when I look inside me. Other people love me when I am myself. I am  my own unique beautiful soul and I deserve to be loved.  I forgive myself and set myself and I know that out of this situation only good will come.  And so it is