
Today Venus, the planet of love enters the grounded, stabilizing Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn is practical and pragmatic. Love is not blind here nor is it something out of a fairytale, but something we need to consider carefully. So, today ask yourself how are your relationships serving you? How are you serving others? The answers to those questions may show you that you may need to make changes in what you have chosen to accept in your relationships. For you see, we often have outgrown things and people in our lives and we may not even be aware of it! And what no longer serves us can prevent us from living the life we want to live. Today, begin to see and feel the relationships that just don’t feel good any longer, the relationships that you have to give too much or that you feel like you’re walking on eggshells all the time.  And then begin to see where you would benefit from creating some better boundaries or perhaps, in some cases you just need to consciously let go of them because they no longer serve you. Today, be willing to expect more from your relationships.   Today have the courage to set boundaries, have the courage to love yourself, even when you risk disappointing others. The only people who will get upset by you setting healthy boundaries are the ones that are benefiting from you have none.

Just for today, I respect my boundaries and I insist others to do. I am a master at setting healthy boundaries that save my time, energy, creativity and emotional well being. I say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. I know what I want and I do not have to apologize for it. I am at peace even in the midst of chaos. No person, place or thing has any power to upset me. I am safe. I am loved and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is

The truth about technology

We live in a world of technology which offers us access to one another 24 hrs a day.  And yet, that constant access, the constant scrolling or checking of emails can leave us feeling distracted and disconnected. For your see, when we’re constantly “connecting”, we miss out on what is really happening! In truth, the only way to be available for what’s in front of you, which is the only thing that is real, is to be less available for everything else. Today, set your intentions to really connect by disconnecting from all the ways that you think you’re staying in touch. Today consciously choose to be present and get in touch with what is really happening right in front of you. This means you choose to stop and really hear what your friends are saying in front of you instead of checking to see what other friends are tweeting/what ingenuous video they posted on TikTok. It means you stop feeling like the narrator of your life—sharing everything the moment it happens—and instead feel fully alive in your experiences. The web is a sticky place, and we can easily get lost there in our determination to stay informed and connected. There’s nothing wrong with using technology–it certainly enhances our lives. You just need to know when to disconnect from the stream so that you don’t disconnect from yourself.

Just for today, I recognize that my power only exists in the present moment.  I am a powerful person because I live in the present moment. I am willing to let go of the need to struggle and suffer.  I am willing to look within for all the validation that I seek. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Aquarius Season is here!

Subconsciously, we’re all searching for true meaning in our lives. We think of it as trying to find happiness or a purpose. And, society teaches us we’ll be happy by following norms that make us the same as others. We are encouraged to seek happiness outside of ourselves rather than connecting inward and being fulfilled by the things we love. Therefore, we seek approval from others to find our value. We look for partners to “complete” us and we strive to make money to buy us things that we think will bring us happiness and security. As a result of our need to fit in, we forget who we are. We stop living freely and fully. But rather, we spend our time grasping for an elusive happiness on the outside. Today, it is time to celebrate and begin to value your uniqueness. And that is the lesson of the sign of Aquarius, which we will move into tomorrow.  The Aquarian energy wants us to celebrate our uniqueness, which will ultimately benefit the greater good. Aquarius is paradoxical in that it fosters benefiting the greater good while celebrating the uniqueness of each individual. So today, begin to celebrate and value your uniqueness. Today, begin to celebrate what makes you difference and unique from anyone else. Begin to notice where you have abandoned your uniqueness so that you could fit in or appear more "normal". Today, acknowledge that we all have differences in a world that values similarity. But by opening your heart and mind and being completely free to explore what matters to you, you will be able to learn who you are. You can begin to value and appreciate your uniqueness!

Just for today, I am my own unique self. I accept my uniqueness. There is no competition or comparison for we are all different and we’re meant to be that way. I am special and wonderful. I love and approve of myself exactly as I am. I move beyond self imposed limitation into freedom. I am now becoming all that I was created to be. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is

Listen more

Most of us like to talk and some of us like to talk a lot! Talking is a way in which we convey our feelings, thoughts and opinions. It’s also a way we disguise what we’re feeling and a way we hide our anxiety and fear.  And, as much as we like to talk, what we are really looking for in all that talking is a connection with another human being. But a conversation in which people are talking, but not listening, is not really a conversation. It’s selfish, unsatisfying, and does absolutely nothing to build real connections. In fact, it usually leaves us feeling alone and disconnected. And, the only way you can connect is to talk less and to listen more. Today, set your intentions to listen more, to be fully present in your conversations. Today, talk less and listen more. Know that you do not always need to share a story of your own in order to connect.  You don’t need to give everyone the brilliant solution to their problems. In fact, sometimes the most helpful thing you can do is to just give people the space they need. And, you do not need to let the world know how together you are by talking, talking, and talking. Today, listen more, listen longer and really connect, be fully present and watch you and your relationships begin to bloom and flourish.

Just for today, I am willing to talk less and listen more. I cannot learn other people’s lessons for them. They must do the work themselves, and they will do it when they are ready. I am willing to begin anew. I am willing to grow and change and I am willing to listen. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.


Often our most painful moments, the times that test the very core of who we are, are the moments that provide us with the greatest opportunity for growth. Those moments become an opportunity for you to develop greater self-love and greater self-trust, which is exactly why you and I were put on this planet.  Today, as you integrate the lessons from last year and perhaps from yesterday,  it is the time to be extra loving and extra patient with yourself. Today,  set your intentions to be patient with yourself and hold patience and presence in every moment. Trust in the process of Life and be grateful for all your blessings even if they aren't exactly as you thought they would or should be. Today, consciously choose to be at peace with the imperfect process of Life.

Just for today, I recognize that I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more and to share that love with others. I recognize that patience is being at peace with the process of Life. I relax and know that everything I need to know will be revealed to me in the perfect time, in the perfect way. I will not be distracted by noise, chatter or setbacks. I will allow patience, commitment, purpose and grace to guide me. I am safe and I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Social Media is NOT your friend 😜

We live in a time of information overload-constantly being bombarded with information from a myriad of sources. Whether it be constant scrolling through social media, watching 24 hr news or binging on endless streaming videos, we are constantly being distracted from what is really going on in our lives, inside of ourselves. And, we keep coming back to those distractions, ironically looking for connection and external gratification.

This constant outward search for approval is often the reason why we don’t look for an internal source of approval. It becomes a habit to keep checking on social media, as a way to receive validation of who we are. In some way we are actually asking others to define who we are, and become unable to see the reality for ourselves. If they tell us we are doing the right thing, by liking our posts or following us on Facebook, then we must be okay; otherwise, we are not that sure. The result of this constant checking in with technology is we have no time left to reflect or ponder. If, on occasion, we do look inward, we feel a sense of emptiness and fear. Not knowing what to do with it, we then try to fill that emptiness with some external source of gratification, usually in the form of “scrolling”.

However, that emptiness is important. It is telling us that we are disconnected from who we are. This disconnect is one of the main reasons why we end up in painful life situations-accepting and living with less than we deserve. Today, set your intentions to become aware of how you use external sources to gain the peace, safety, security and the identity that you have become uncertain of. Today, instead of being distracted and entertained, spend time disconnected so that you can reconnect with yourself. When we are connected inward, our instincts become stronger, and we understand who were are and what we need to feel connected and whole.  And, a strong connection with ourselves is sometimes all we need, and in some cases, all we have, to keep us sane in this insane world.

Just for today, I look within to find my treasures. It is safe for me to look within. I allow myself to be quiet and still, and I am amazed at what I discover, Life is just waiting to share its secrets with me. I know that everything I seek is already within me. I am safe. This is only change and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

New Moon in Capricorn on 111

Today we have our first New Moon of the New Year and it carries with it waves of fresh inspiration, inspiring us to get excited about the year ahead. This New Moon, which falls on 111, also offers us a potent opportunity for intention setting. And, it's important not to head into this year on autopilot. Rather than stepping into 2024 hoping for the best, it's vital to be intentional about the lessons from last year and what you wish to co-create moving forward. If you want your dreams to come true, they must be heartfelt and inspired. Furthermore, it is said that intentions or goals made on a Capricorn New Moon hold the promise of longevity. So, if there is something you really want to commit to for the long term, set your intentions and then take a small action in that direction under this New Moon. And, most importantly, today you need to begin by consciously letting go of last year’s energy, allowing space for you to plant new seeds to take root for what truly matters. Today, allow this New Moon to help you to see the big picture of your life and then set your intentions to achieve your grandest aspiration in this New Year.

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I am willing to listen to my intuition and follow its guidance. I am willing to change. And everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Let go and allow yourself to be seen!

We are hard-wired to connect with others, it’s what gives our lives purpose and meaning, and without it, there will be suffering. And yet, there may be times that you need or just want to disappear and hide. In truth, disappearing or shutting down doesn’t take much energy and may seem so much easier than acknowledging that you’re worthy of being here and facing the pain that’s required to be seen.

However, we all need to be seen. It’s part of what makes us human. When we don’t allow ourselves to be seen, we diminish our importance in this world. We undervalue ourselves. We hold ourselves back from greatness. We stifle our contributions. And it just plain doesn’t feel good. So, today set your intentions to allow your true, authentic self to be seen. And being seen begins with you loving and approving of yourself. It begins with loving yourself even when you stumble and fall, even when other people seem to not like you or have decided that you’re not quite right.

Today, accept that a life of joy is one in which you feel comfortable showing who you are to the world. It begins with knowing that you deserve a life of joy. When you love yourself, you become illuminated, and you can’t help but be seen. So today, allow yourself to be seen because the truth is that the world needs to see you as much as you need to be seen.

Just for today, I love and approve of myself unconditionally. I will not allow noise, chatter, or setbacks to distract me. I will allow patience, purpose, commitment, and grace to guide me. I am safe. I am seen and loved. And everything is working out for my highest good. And so, it is.

Life is Fragile

Life is fragile and fleeting. There really are no guarantees. No order or set amount of time our friends and loved ones will be there for us. No promise that how we feel, and what we can do today, will be how we feel and what we can do tomorrow. No promise that the health and relative wealth we enjoy today will be with us tomorrow morning. Facing up to the fragility of life can be scary. It can also be empowering. It can help us hold onto a perspective that supports us living a life filled with positive experiences. It can leave us with a conviction to make the most of our days. Today, acknowledge that you and I are not promised another day or any amount of time in this Life. So, today set your intentions to make the most of every moment of this precious day. Today make time for the people that matter most to you and allow yourself to let go of those who do not serve any purpose in your Life right now. Today, make time for yourself. Today, accept that it’s admirable to work hard, but you need to ensure you are making ample time to celebrate your successes and enjoy your journey. These are fleeting and precious moments in time. Today, make the most of them.

Just for today, I am grateful for every experience I have ever had for they have shaped me into who I am today. I am a powerful person because I live in this present moment. I am worthy of all that is good in this Life and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it. I am safe. I am so grateful for this time that I have on this earth. And, everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is

Expect less, accept more this New Year!

Yesterday as we started a New Year, Mercury, the planet of communication, stationed direct. For the next three week, during the post-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde, it is important to move slowly and deliberately, so you can integrate everything that's surfaced for you during December. Furthermore,  the post-retrograde period combined with our New Years resolutions and expectations,  may also bring disappointments and unwelcome surprises.  So, during the next couple of weeks,  it's crucial to set expectations and boundaries to avoid feeling let down and disappointed. Today, start off this New Year by “expecting” less and accepting more. Today, choose to be positive and hopeful in this present moment. You don't have to give up hope and you can still anticipate a good outcome, just be ready to be okay with "what is" and accept it. As the old saying goes: "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched." Your expectations can limit your happiness and in truth your life, if you allow them. Today expect less and accept the bounty of goodness that Life gives you instead.

Just for today, I now release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me. I let go of all expectations and flow lovingly with Life. I love myself and I know only good awaits me at every turn. Everything I do is a success and all is truly well in my world right now. And so it is.

Full Moon in Cancer

We have our last Full Moon of the year, and it falls in the nurturing and sensitive sign of Cancer. Full moons always illuminate what lies beneath the surface, and this one, in the midst of Mercury Retrograde, will feel different. For you see, although this Full Moon will bring what’s been hidden deep within you, this Full Moon will give you the opportunity to pause and really begin to heal what comes up for you. It's a pause at the end of the year where you can reflect upon your journey. Synchronistically, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, emerges from its retrograde today, urging you to acknowledge the needs you may have neglected in the whirlwind of giving. Remember, self-care isn't just bubble baths and massages (though those have their place!). It is the deliberate tending of your emotional garden and an unwavering commitment to showing yourself the same nurturing you so readily offer others. Today, intentionally slow down and give yourself some time to feel all the feels so that you can heal! Allow yourself to begin feel powerful in your own skin and free of all that no longer supports you. Today, celebrate your accomplishments and tend to your needs, allow your dreams to root in the fertile soil of this Full Moon. And as the year draws to a close, remember the seeds you plant now will blossom in the sunshine of the year to come. Today, embrace the light of this Full Moon, celebrate your journey, and step into the future with an open heart and ready to shine!

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I easily, effortlessly and joyously let go of all that no longer serves any purpose in my life. I willingly release the need to struggle and suffer. I deserve all that is good in Life. I have the power to create the Life I desire and I claim that power now. Life supports me in every possible way and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Merry Christmas!

Regardless of what holiday you celebrate, or how you honor it, there’s no denying this is an emotionally charged time of year! It seems as if we either celebrate all our blessings or wonder why we don’t have more; we over eat, over drink and over think and we anxiously look towards the new year to come, wondering what it will bring us. We encounter people who we may not have seen for years, which may warm our hearts or perhaps break them. Today, whatever your unique situation this year—whether you’re in a growth cycle or working through feelings of loss—consciously acknowledge that you indeed have many gifts to give and receive, if you allow yourself to recognize them. Today celebrate the gifts that you RECEIVE every day-your breath, your freedom to change and to live the life you truly desire; the lessons that you have learned this year and your ability to connect with those people who love you. And, you also have so much to GIVE like your attention, your kindness, your acceptance, your forgiveness and your light. Today, set your intentions to celebrate, to give and to receive. Today acknowledge and accept that you are worthy, beautiful, and valuable to the world around you and to me. I thank you for the gifts you give me every day by being a part of my journey. Thank you and merry Christmas.

Just for today, I celebrate my life and I am grateful. I give myself the gift of freedom from the past and move with joy into the now. I give myself the gift of forgiveness and set myself free. I give myself the gift of unconditional love. I am blessed and I believe that everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

The Winter Solstice

Today, we celebrate the Solstice, a time when the Sun “stands still” and we experience the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The increased hours of darkness is said to help guide us to enter into the dark night of the soul, a time of retreat where we can go within and hear the subtler stirrings of our being. For you see, sometimes it is only in the darkness that we can truly feel comfortable to be ourselves. When the spotlight of the Sun shines down on us, we can feel exposed, we can feel that we have to act or be a certain way. When the lights are turned off, when it is just us, alone with our thoughts at midnight that is when we can truly dive deep into our core and come face to face with a new truth of who we are. 

Today’s Solstice offers us an opportunity to enter into the darkness. To move away from the spotlight and instead to sit with ourselves and our own truth. We don’t need to explain this truth to anyone. We just have to sit with them and allow them to be. In the darkness, our thoughts don’t matter. It is our feelings that can truly shine. It is our emotional voice that gets a chance to speak, and we have to allow it to be heard. Today, create some space and time to sit with the stillness of the Solstice, for when you do, you will be able to step into a new power and a new truth of who you really are.

Just for today, I choose to know the truth the truth sets me free. Divine wisdom, divine harmony and divine love reign supreme in me and all around me and around each and every person. We are all centered in truth and live in joy. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.